Friday, December 10, 2010

He's not Finished with me yet!

Loving this song that's first on my play list today... Turn it up!
There is Hope for me yet.
Because God won't forget
all the plans He has for me
I have to wait and see He's not finished with me yet!
Still wrestling with my Fear
But He's up to something
And the further on I go
I seen enough to know
that I am not here for nothing
He is up to Something.
Praise God He is not finished with me YET!
This has been a week of learning and conviction for me.
Some I'll share and some will stay between myself and my Heavenly Father.
First let's just say if you think you have it all figured out just have kids! :-)
They'll teach you!
We'll start with Kacey.
I have struggled this week with Fear and letting Kacey play again.
I struggle with worry anyway, and worry is a sin.
Praise God I'm a sinner saved by Grace
So all this week I've been in knots dreading her playing again.
Me: Lord, I need you, I can't stand the thoughts.
Lord: She is mine, and I love her more than you.
Me: But Lord 3 ER trips since August and this last one was her head Lord
Lord: Do you trust me... she is mine
I'm learning, I'm trying Praise God we have a loving patient Father.
I'm not sure if I've shared on my blog or not about Grace's mission field.
She has a heart of Gold.
In first Grade she was in a class with a boy we'll call S.
And she and S became friends.
Fast forward to this year.
About September Grace came in one day and said Mom, S doesn't participate in some things in school... The pledge of Allegiance, and certain class work.
Me: It maybe his beliefs, not everyone believes in Christ, he may not believe like you.
Well let me just tell you not a day since then has gone by that I've not heard about S and their conversations... This child prays for open doors with this child DAILY...
Grace has found out a few things about S.
He goes to church at the Kingdom Hall and doesn't believe Jesus is our Savior.
Every week Grace talks to him about her Awana verse or her Sunday School lesson.
We've had talks about tell him but don't push, he has been raised that way and he's parents believe that way and can you imagine if one of your friends told you what your parents are teaching was wrong... to Grace's reply yeah, but we serve the one true God... (She can humble a Momma really quick) See where I see the way he is being raised, she sees Hope.
She prays at lunch so he can hear her, you think this little 9 year old isn't splashing this little guy... He probably goes home wet everyday!
Just this week I've heard.
Grace: Momma, S doesn't believe in Christmas either, he doesn't participate in anything at school in reference to Christmas. But I tell him everyday. I celebrate Christmas because it's Jesus Birthday.
Grace: (on the way to school Monday) I know....
Me: What
Grace: Today, I'll tell S my favorite verses. John 3:16 and Philippians 4:13.
especially John 3:16, I've told him that one before but he needs to hear it again..
Wow... she blows me away.
Lord I want to have her boldness her heart it's so precious
I know this has been long but I wanted to share with you that I've got some pretty amazing kids but more than that I have an Amazing Heavenly Father... And Praise God He isn't finished with me yet!

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