My new lunch Favorite... It is 11 WW points though. But worth every point!

Well last night after tennis we went to move Kacey's bed... Greg lifted the mattress and said are you sure you want to see?
Purses, tennis balls, stuffed animals, drivers study guide, you name it...Seriously!

Yesterday Kacey had a tennis Match in Albertville.
I was running a little late but circling AHS looking for the courts when my phone rang.
It was one of the tennis coaches...
Phil: Paige, Hey are you coming to the match today (this NEVER happens)
Me: Yes, what's wrong..
Phil: Nothing just wanted to see where you are
Me: I'm circling the school now looking for the courts,
Phil: What school?
Me: the high school
Phil: You've got to turn around they built a new complex..(gave directions)
Me: Okay, but are you sure all is okay
Phil: Yes, Kacey was just concerned...
I hung up the phone and still was trying to figure out why the call, very unusual.
I got to the match and missed half of her singles over the wrong location ordeal. I got there and she was winning 5-2
I walked up beside the court (you aren't supposed to talk) She looked up with a smile with crocodile tears slipping down her face and said you scared me....
Phil later told me he watched her win the first point then lose the next two. He was going to talk to her and said he went to the fence and she turned around and seen him and lost it... Crying hard, he asked her what was wrong and she said, my Momma said she was coming and she's always here I'm afraid somethings happened and she's had a wreck. He calmed her down called me then he explained to her where I was and he said he watched her win the next 3 points...
I've never known her to worry like that over me before but it makes me thankful for her heart. Not thankful she worried but for her heart and it also made me thankful that we have the relationship that if I tell her I'm going to be there she KNOWS unless something crazy happens I'll be there. Not that I don't mess up more than I care to admit but that when we give our word it means something.
Matthew 12:36-37"But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment. For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned."
Kacey won her Singles 10-5. For Doubles she and Emma played together for the first time, they won 10 -2.. Congrats on a Sectional/county win!
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