I love pictures and try to preserve memories as much as possible and when I don't have my camera I take phone pictures...
so here are a few recent ones... don't laugh!
We are ketchup addicts. Recently when publix's had a Buy one get one free... so my 1.97 - 32 oz ketchup was only .99 cents a bottle... and sense Kacey and I go through at least 2 bottles a week I might have bought 20! It's not hoarding they'll be gone in a month... Us GNarrell's love our ketchup. Grace who eats EVERYTHING dry and hates all condiments equally thought it was the craziest thing ever!!!! Oh and that shelf it's sitting on... My Husband just built me a makeshift pantry! I've never had a pantry and so we converted half of a hall closet for one so I have a place for paper towels and etc... you know important stuff like Ketchup! I couldn't have been happier! Thanks Dear! I know you are busy enough without the honey do projects! I appreciate you!
Kacey on the elevator on her way to breakfast Friday morning in Dothan.
On our caravan going down the girls wanted a picture...
How classy is a picture with a Raceway sign in the background anyway!

How classy is a picture with a Raceway sign in the background anyway!

This might be my youngest "lady" arm wrestling... ;-)
Who says you can't be cute and tough!

I pray it's a Great one! I'm praying special prayers for Kacey today. After being out of school 2 days two weeks ago for Jacksonville and last Wednesday was a reward day for the freshman so they went to the movies, then last Thursday and Friday for Dothan she is overwhelmed with work/test! You are supposed to have three days to makeup but this is the last week of the 9 weeks so she is having to move fast. Please remember her. She has 3 test today... and tons of makeup/review! Thank you!
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