I love Saturday's... Especially ones like today... We've had such a good day... A productive and fun day! Friday night, Kacey had a youth party and then Kimber spent the night. Well I just need to tell them the next time you use my camera and leave oh, lets say 200 silly Kacey and Kimber pictures on my card, either erase them or be prepared for me to use them. Isn't this one good of them?
But this one is true Kacey and
Kimber there were more good ones, like this but I think I'll save those for their senior yearbook!
Greg went hunting this morning and I've never been so glad that he didn't even get to shoot his gun, see he went rabbit hunting a first for him but I think he just went for fun anyway, he ended up leaving his gun in the truck and just enjoying the company. This afternoon, he cleaned the yard up and then had some fun with Grace. Grace came home a few weeks ago and gave us a permission slip to attend a clinic that is coming up for softball, where that came from I do not know but she is going to see if she likes it before signing up and committing to a season.
Nice hit!
And I think the birds were happy to see the sunshine today. This little fellow was trying to build a nest in the carport and was not happy when I would try to deter him.... He might be little but he could make some noise!
Tonight Grace and I attended a children's party at church. They had game night and they had lots of fun. I love Saturday's that are so wonderful... Happy Saturday, hope you enjoyed the sunshine today and enjoy the
Sonshine tomorrow....
Happy Saturday!
Wow look at those girls. It only seems like yesterday having them in Mission Friends!