Thursday, February 18, 2010

In all things....

I was inspired by a fellow blogger and decided to take part in a challenge. I've been working on this challenge since 2/9.. I'll just tell you it is a challenge to find the beauty in things we might be tempted to be annoyed by! Sound interesting to you.. Come on and join the challenge and be humbled by how Good God is and sometimes I so take my blessings for granted..

Okay, admit it - we all do it, get irritated when our children ...

leave the door open
throw their dirty clothes all over the place
leave a trail of toys throughout the house
track in mud
lose one shoe or grab one of two kinds of shoes!
leave their balls/bats and other stuff out in the rain!
leave a bathroom sink full of smeared toothpaste! (this drives me nuts!)
forget to flush the toilet
borrow my clothes and throw them on their floor or put them where neither of us can find them.
play their games/music so loud, I can't hear my self think!
wipe their dirty hands on their clothes, the couch or your clothes
change clothes 3 times in the morning before they find something they want to wear!
Leave the lunch you packed them on the floor in the mornings (just this morning as a matter of fact but I saw it and snagged it for her)

Should I go on? You know I can!

Well, I know that one day I'm going to miss those things. I'm going to laugh as I remember them. So today, I'll remember...just how beautiful it is to be blessed with children in our homes. If we have been given precious children to care for, let's make sure we enjoy each and every...

load of dirty laundry
snotty nose/breathing treatments
eye rolls
Mom I'm hungry
hurt foot (from stepping on a polly pocket or lego)
lost remote control
lost pair of pants
marked up wall Grace once destroyed two pair of my shoes with a green marker! (mind you she was 2)
finger up their nose in public (well that was a long time ago too!)
fingerprint or writing on mirror! Kacey writes on my Kitchen door everyday in the steam ~on the window... Write on baby girl!

"In everything give THANKS for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you!"
I love my little girls, I choose to see beauty in the things that might irritate me, and if I blow it and get irritated, I choose to repent and be grateful again. I have a challenge for you. In the next week I want you to take your irritants and turn them to blessings. My list has changed over the years as the girls have grown and I can honestly say, those things that used to bother me, I miss because with each passing phase, once it's gone, it's gone ~ no going back so I choose to be happy today because today it is a choice and I choose to make the most of each moment~ I love you Kacey and Grace!

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