Field Day is so different from when I was in school, for field day we played basketball, softball and kickball...
Today's field day is wild! The kids are wild and the day makes me feel old!
I worked two hours on the dry slide in the heat, and again, I was the only one at my slide and so for two hours, I said, don't go down two at a time, ONE AT A TIME, go down on your bottom, No you can't go head first, I said ONE AT A TIME. It made me feel old and cranky!
Alyssa, Brittney and Grace
By lunch the mud was ever present!

I'm blessed.
Bubble time!

They loved it, I couldn't stand the thoughts of it, but again, I'm old!

Then for the kids favorite part of the day, they line up at 1:45 and for the next 30 minutes they get sprayed but the fire department, luxuries of a small town life!
I don't know who has more fun the kids or the fire department!
They get a little wild during this especially!
The guy on top likes to start spraying it short, so the parents get close for pictures then he turns it up and fans and many parents got soaked!
I may be old, but I can move, I did not get wet, at least not this year!
We thought it was over, I started up the catwalk to go check out my girl while she was going to change and then boom, but thanks to the catwalk and the alcoves, for the doors, I stayed dry...
We completed the day at the public library and then to the orthodontist.
We are all proud owners of public library cards, and why haven't we done that before!
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