Monday, May 13, 2013

Grace's Birthday and Mother's Day!

 We started the weekend with a Friday night out with Dinner and shopping with Grace for her birthday!  She picked Logans!

 And she was super surprised to find out she got a phone.
And Honestly it's as much for Mom as her, with camps and practices it is a great way to ensure she is good and with who she is supposed to be with!  :)

 On Saturday Kacey had a girls day and Grace went with Alyssa to the Third Day concert, she was so excited!  She hasn't felt well but was so hyper even when she got home we thought she would never wind down.  On Sunday we celebrated birthday and Mother's Day!

 Chocolate cake with Chocolate Icing

 The Birthday girl!

 So just when exactly did we get so grown up?

 Kacey wasn't feeling well either so she found the couch!
 The birthday girl with her Daddy!
 then Mom!
 Mom and My sisters.
 I love my sweet Momma!
 The girls and I with Mom!
 It was decoration at UG.

 Our Crazy Crew!

 Papaw and the Birthday girl

Greg and his Mamaw.
Happy Birthday my sweet Grace.
We love you so much!
I can not believe you are 12.

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