Tuesday I ended up going to the Dr. I had been fighting asthma and chest junk for a week.
I went to my asthma specialist and he put me back on steroids (which I hate they make me grouchy and eat) and an antibiotic. He said your allergic to penicillin have you ever taken Avelox. I had so that's what he prescribed.
I took the 5 yes 5 steroid pills at lunch and since the antibiotic was only once a day I decided to wait until I got home to take it... That was a God thing!
After dinner Kacey and I went for a walk!
And you might just catch a glimpse out of the corner of your eye and it may just scare you...
just sayin....
Greg and I are listening to a series of sermons at night so we started that and I started to itch.
At first it was in my ears. Like bad... then I noticed knots on the inside of my mouth and on the roof of my mouth. I jumped out of bed and ran and took two benadryl. Unfortunately I knew then what was coming. My tongue was tingling, my lips were tight, I looked in the mirror my face was red, swollen with the bumps raised all over.
Grace was asleep Kacey was still up so we told her to watch Grace and off we went. I think the walking made the reaction take hold faster and by the time I walked in the ER, Greg said you are Much worse. head to toe rash, light headed and nauseated. I had my epi pen in case I had to use it but was praying it wouldn't be necessary.
They took me back quickly ahead of many which made me feel guilty for about a half second.
within 10 minutes they had given me a shot and within 15 the itching was calming and I didn't feel like I was going to die any longer!
They kept me for about 2 1/2 hours just to make sure all was well and by the time we walked out of the er... the rash was gone. Thank you Modern medicine.
I did not take a face picture.

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