Saturday, April 24, 2010

Saturday Post!

Saturday the Narrell ladies got haircuts...

On the way home we stopped and picked up lunch. We got home and fixed our plates. Kacey and Grace wanted to watch a movie in our room so they had it all set up. Grace came back into the kitchen to get something else and turned skipping back to our room. She made it as far as the computer room on the wood floor and lost her footing. Her head caught the corner of the telephone table and down she went.

So Grace ended up with her First injury ER visit (we've been twice when she was little for Asthma)

On the way to the ER

Grace: This is the worst day of my entire life, I've never been hurt like this. Have I lost too much blood? What are they going to do?

We got to the ER and Praise the Lord the waiting room was empty! We were back in less than 5 minutes and the doctor came right in. I can not explain the look of terror in her eyes when the doctor said she needed a staple

Grace: Like you staple paper with?

Me: Not exactly

Grace: Will it hurt?

Doctor: Well it will sting some. Now you have to be real still.

Those poor little pleading eyes were so pitiful and it was done. She was so brave not a tear was shed during the staple, now when it was first done that was a different story and when she saw the blood she lost it.

She and Daddy waiting for the paperwork so we could get out of there! She was proud of her arm band, kind of a badge on honor. Okay, not for the weak at the stomach. We piled on the coach and watched Planet 51, it was a cute movie and she was able to take her mind of things for awhile. then we ended up in the hall not once but twice. Thankful we were spared any damage but our neighbors on Sand mountain were not as fortunate. Our prayers are with those that are having to clean up and those that were affected by the storms.

Thankful that Grace wasn't hurt any worse. Except for missing some softball she'll be good as new in a few days!

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