Just something fun! 13 things that being a mom of 13 years has taught me!
13) It doesn't matter, how much you barter, bribe or fuss, kids are not going to get along all the time... At some point you have to get over it!
12) Sometimes when you make a child taste something she doesn't like, you will have a mess to clean up!
11) You can operate on 4 - 5 hours sleep for years and live to tell about it.
10) My house doesn't have to always be perfectly clean. It will still need cleaning long after they are grown!
9) That just when you think you have the parenting thing figured out they will do or say something that makes you realize that you don't have a clue.
8) When family huffs about you taking so many pictures it is okay one day they will be precious memories. Like when you go to the beach and one night is set aside to dress up to lay in the sand! :-)
7) They are always watching and everything you do and say can and will be held against you later!
6) You'll change your plans to attend meetings/games and sit hours on hard
blenchers just in case they hit their first two points, or hit a
home run ~ you wouldn't miss it for the world.
5) You become part of a sacred kinship of women around the world that when you are in
Wal-mart and hear someone yell Mom you turn around even know you know it isn't your child.
4) You learn to chose your battles, if it doesn't comprise your
morale's and it isn't going to matter a week from now, let her wear the shirt that you hate! She is her own person and we don't have to agree on all things. Although length you learn to stand your ground.
3) You learn life is short, enjoy the moment.
2)You learn that if you don't like something hang on it will change tomorrow anyway.
1) and you learn that no matter what being a Mom is the best job on Earth! And no matter how old they get, you never get tired of the bedtime hugs, prayers and kisses and I love you Mom grows even sweeter.
Happy Thursday